CID Women crack team honoured for arresting serial killer

 By Shepard Ngwaru.

 A Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Homicide crack team comprising five females and one male has been awarded certificates of excellence by the Commissioner General of Police, Cde Tantabandu Godwin Matanga. This is in recognition of the sterling performance and dedication to duty exuded by the detectives in apprehending a notorious serial murderer, whose modus operandi had terrified Harare residents.

Detective Sergeants Lawrence Chademana, Heather Bonokuhle Ncube, Nyarai Jestina Risinamwana, Lucia Atwabi, Rebecca Muchazondiitei Mvere and Yeukai Millcent Maraidza  are attached to Nehanda Crack team, a newly created outfit for members of the Women Network attached to CID Homicide.

The homeless suspect, Thandolwenkosi Ndlovu (20) popularly known as Sauro in the streets, made headlines for brutally killing at least five people and seriously injured another on different occasions in Harare’s Central Business District (CBD) within a week, much to the chagrin of the public.

Ndlovu reportedly targeted fellow vagrants during the night while they were sleeping.  In what appeared like ritual killings, he would fatally crash his victim’s head with stones before ripping open the stomach and extract some body parts, for unknown reasons.

Sauro’s lucky ran out when one of his victims survived the attack, albeit with serious injuries and managed to identify the assailant. This gave the detectives, who already had their ears on the ground, an eagerly sought lead to crack the mystery. The police officers reacted to the information and managed to arrest the accused in Harare.

Speaking at the handover ceremony recently held at CID Headquarters, Deputy Commissioner General (Crime), Lorraine Chipato commended the detectives for their courage and sacrifice which she said will greatly restore the public confidence in the organisation.

“Your shrewd investigation skills and courage are worth celebrating, I am glad to highlight that you have remained resolute in executing your constitutional mandate by ensuring the safety of the generality of Zimbabwe citizens as well as accounting for perpetrators of heinous crime as evidenced by the arrest of the serial killer, Thandolwenkosi Ndlovu. This is remarkable and will go a long way in restoring Police public confidence”, said DCG Chipato.

The Deputy Commissioner General also highlighted the need to maintain police vigilance and deeply entrench intelligence network that will inform proactive policing.

One of the crack team members, Detective Sergeant Heather Ncube said they will not be carried away by the honour bestowed on them by the organisation but will continue working hard.

“This recognition will not blind us in our area of function, rather we will put our shoulder to the wheel and strive to deliver to expectation”, said Ncube.

Acting Officer Commanding Police  CID Homicide Superintendent  Lovemore Kelosi, the Officer-in-Charge Detective Chief inspector Alexander Jachi, Detective Inspectors Lovemore Chifamba, Anele Mkandla, Pikisai Chipwazo were also awarded with certificates for their relentless efforts in fighting armed robbery and other heinous crimes.The event was attended by senior officers as well as members of the CID Crime Liaison Committee (CLC) members among other guests.

In a related case, the Acting Chief Director Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Assistant Commissioner Jealous Nyabasa handed over certificates of excellence to  various detectives  drawn from various CID sections within Harare Province. The selected detectives were honoured for their outstanding performance in fighting crime.


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