CID Women crack team honoured for arresting serial killer

 By Shepard Ngwaru.  A Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Homicide crack team comprising five females and one male has been awarded certificates of excellence by the Commissioner General of Police, Cde Tantabandu Godwin Matanga. This is in recognition of the sterling performance and dedication to duty exuded by the detectives in apprehending a notorious serial murderer, whose […]

The arrest of notorious criminals – Chidumo and Masendeke

In the mid 90s, the ZRP had a tough battle with notorious armed robbers and murderers who killed ruthlessly for money. The most notable were two fugitives – Edgar Masendeke and Stephen Chidhumo – whose reign of terror in and around Zimbabwe between October 1994 and September 1997 sent shivers down the spine of Zimbabwean citizens and also gave […]

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